Information on the Mechatronics course

The Institute of Control Systems contributes with the basic course Systemdynamik- und Regelungstechnik to the compulsory part of the bachelor study Mechatronics. The interdepartmental course Mechatronische Systeme und Produkte, which combines a lecture in the classical style with a workshop with project work, is also offered together with the Institute of Product Development.
In the Master's programme in Mechatronics, the IRS offers courses in the three supplementary modules Control Engineering in Mechatronics, Industrial Automation and Robotics in addition to the lecture Regelung linearer Mehrgrößensysteme in the compulsory area. Further information on the specializations can be found in the module handbook.

Course Offering of the IRS

Lectures in the Winter Term in the Bachelor Program
Chair Title Type ECTS Time/Place
IRS-RUS / IIIT Lecture + Exercise 7 LP
IRS-VSA Lecture + Exercise 2
IRS-RUS Vorlesung + Übung 4,5 + 1,5
Lexture, Exercises, Workshop
IRS German Language Lab Exercises
Lectures in the Winter Term in the Master Program
Chair Title Type ECTS Time/Place
IRS-VSA Seminar (S) 4
IRS-RUS Vorlesung 4
IRS-RUS Lecture + Exercise 5
IRS-RUS Vorlesung + Übung 4,5 + 1,5
IRS-RUS Vorlesung + Übung 4
IRS-RUS Lecture + Seminar + Lab 3 + 3 + 9
IRS-RUS Praktikum 6 + 1 SQ
IRS-VSA Lecture 4
IRS-O Lecture (V) 3 (+1 Exercise )
IRS-O Lecture (V)

Lectures in the Summer Term

Lectures in the Summer Term in the Bachelor Program
Chair Title Type ECTS Time/Place
IRS-VSA Lecture + Excercise + Praktikum 7
IRS-VSA lecture 3
IRS German Language Lab Exercises
IRS Vorlesung und Übung 4
Lectures in the Summer Term in the Master Program
Chair Title Type ECTS Time/Place
IRS-O Lecture (V) 3
IRS Vorlesung + Übung 4
IRS-RUS Lecture + Seminar + Lab 3 + 3 + 9
IRS Vorlesung 3
IRS-RUS Praktikum 6 + 1 SQ
IRS Vorlesung 3
IRS-VSA Lecture 4
IRS Lecture + Exercise 6