Jobs for Student Assistants
If you are interested in a job as a Student Assistant, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Implementation of a demonstrator for interaction with autonomous mobile robots
Short Description
Trainees wanted for the development of collaborative robot systems in production technology and care
Kurzbeschreibung |
SRT tutors wanted for the lecture System Dynamics and Control Engineering in WS24/25!
Short Description
Studentische Hilfskraft gesucht für den Aufbau einer Digital-Twin Infrastruktur im Verfahrenstechnik-Labor
- PDF zur Ausschreibung
- Startdatum: ab sofort
- Dauer: 30-40h pro Monat
- Voraussetzungen
- Interesse an digitalen Zwillingen und Automatisierungstechnik
- Programmiererfahrung (bspw. Python/ Java/Rust/C#/C++)
- idealerweise erste Erfahrung mit Dev-Containern (bspw. Docker)
Kontakt: marcel.auer∂
Student assistant wanted for the revision of the lecture System Dynamics and Control Engineering
Short Description
Student assistant wanted for the development of regulation and control concepts for a cooperative assistance system in nursing care
Short Description
Student assistants wanted to develop control concepts for cooperative surgical systems to provide the best possible support for human surgeons
Short Description
Student Assistants wanted for the development of cooperative decision algorithms!
Short Description