Optimization of Dynamic Systems (ODS)

  • Type: Lecture + Exercise
  • Chair: IRS-RUS
  • Semester: WT 24/25
  • Time/Place:

    Wednesday, 14:00-15:30, Neue Chemie + online (Zoom)
    Friday,           14:00-15:30, Neue Chemie + online (Zoom)

  • Start: Wednesday, 23.10.2024 (You can find the link to the Zoom-Meeting below)
  • Lecturer:

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sören Hohmann

  • SWS: 3
  • ECTS: 5
  • Lv-No.: 23183
  • Exam: Written Exam
  • Information:

    Diese Vorlesung wird in der englischen Sprache gehalten.




The first lecture will take place on Wednesday, October 23rd 2024, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm (Neuer Chemie Hörsaal). In the winter term 2024/2025, the ODS lecture will be offered in a hybrid format, i. e. in presence in the lecture hall and a complimentary live stream via Zoom.

Zoom-Link: https://kit-lecture.zoom-x.de/j/69539486359?pwd=YmtEQjNwSGdmZEVpeVF1UFh1M1E2Zz09

ILIAS-Link   https://ilias.studium.kit.edu/goto.php?target=crs_2505337_rcodeLbLhksWYG4&client_id=produktiv The password will be announced in the first lecture.


If you have any questions concerning the lecture or the exercise, please contact Manuel Hess.


Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik
Signals and Systems
Advanced Mathematics I-III

Teaching Content


  • Unconstrained Parameter Optimization
  • Constrained Parameter Optimization
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Calculus of Variations


J. Nocedal: Numerical Optimization
M. Papageorgiou: Optimierung
K. Donald: Optimal Control Theory - An Introduction
A. E. Bryson: Applied Optimal Control

Course Material On Ilias all relevant course material (including lecture slides, exercise and tutorial sheets and semester schedule) can be downloaded


Presence in Lecture and Exercise: 45 h

Preperation and revision of the course content: 105 h


The students

  • know the mathematical basics and the fundamental methods and algorithms to solve constrained and unconstrained nonlinear static optimization problems.
  • can solve constraint and unconstraint dynamic optimization by using the calculus of variations approach and the Dynamic Programming method.
  • are able to transfer dynamic optimization problems to static problems.
  • know the mathematic relations, the pros and cons and the limits of each optimization method.
  • can transfer problems from other fields of their studies in a suitable optimization problem formulation and they are able to select and implement appropriate optimization algorithms for them by using common software tools

exam  WS/24/25 on Friday, 07th March 2025 from 17:00 - 19:00  Audimax-HS, Fasanengarten-HS, Gerthsen-HS, Benz-HS, Daimler-HS

Results & Review

The results and the review date will be announced on the home page. The results as well as date and location of the review will be published in the showcase of the IRS (ground floor, building 11.20).


WS24/25 lecture
WS24/25 exercise

Student Assistants