Control Technology, the Interface between Systems and Natural Sciences
Control technology, often named cybernatic, technology is of high importance in nearly all areas of our daily life. Today’s systems have to work independently, accurately, safely, and reliably to fulfill specific tasks and, hence, enable modern life. Control technology is not restricted to special domains. It is conceivable that control technology is applied for example in biological, chemical or economical processes beside in technical applications. All these processes can be described by suitable models as a system and afterwards controlled by specfical mechanisms for the purpose of a desired behaviour. Usually, it is not visible for the user and, therefore, control technology is sometimes called "Hidden Technology". |
Qualification Focus of IRS
The Institute of Control Systems contributes to numerous ETIT-elective modules the methods expertise of this systemic discipline. The focus of the qualification lies on elevtive module 5 (Regelungs- und Steuerungssysteme) and 8 (Information und Automation). The module 5 offered by the Institute of Control Systems contains lectures in total of 27 ECTS of 52 ECTS and provides a comprehensive overview of control technology. The lectures of the Institute of Control Technology contribute 17 ECTS of 52 ECTS to the mandatory parts of module 8 offered by the IIIT and, therefore, provides in-depth knowledge in this topic. In both elective modules, methodical and application oriented focuses can be laid by choosing lectures of the elective part in total of 32 ECTS and of the generic qualification in total of 6 ECTS depending on individual preferences.
Detailed information for both elective modules is collected in the module brochure Regelungs- und Steuerungstechnik and Information und Automation. These brochures list a numerous selection of reasonable lectures of the elective part, but these brochures do not replace the individual plan of studying which can be a technically meaningful and individual combination of lectures. Such a plan can be devolped in consultation with a general course advisor and, therefore, it is recommendable to seek a studying consulting at an early stage of the study. If you are interessted in one of the named elective modules or if you have further question, please, do not hesitate to ask the general course advisor of the Institute of Control Systems, Mr. Prof. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Mathias Kluwe.
Courses of the Bachelor’s Program
The Institute of Control Systems offers the basic compulsory lecture on System Dynamics and Control (“Systemdynamik- und Regelungstechnik”) in the bachelor’s program.
Lectures | Semester | SWS | ECTS |
Systemdynamik- und Regelungstechnik | SS | 4 | 6 |
Module 5 - Regelungs- und Steuerungstechnik
The module 5 Regelungs- und Steuerungstechnik is offered by the Institute of Control Systems. This module focuses on modelling the essential basis of all control methods. Only if the real world is known sufficiently and all correlation as well as the event chain are formulated correctly it will be possible to manipulate a system as desired. Another focus build up on the first part is the specific control of technical systems. Therefore many methods and approaches of control technology will be taught which will be applicable to wide variety of different systems. You will be surprised how many non technical systems of the every day life can be described or manipulated with the taught methods and approaches.
The following lectures are mandatory for module 5:
Lectures | Semester | SWS | LP |
Informationsfusion | WS | 2+1 | 4 |
Methoden der Signalverarbeitung | WS | 2+2 | 6 |
Messtechnik | WS | 2+1 | 5 |
Physical and Data-Based Modeling | SS | 2+1 | 4 |
Nichtlineare Regelungssysteme | SS | 2 | 3 |
Numerische Methoden | SS | 2+1 | 5 |
Optimale Regelung und Schätzung | SS | 2 | 3 |
Optimization of Dynamic Systems | WS | 2+1 | 5 |
Labor Regelungstechnik | WS/SS | 4 | 6 |
Regelung linearer Mehrgrößensysteme | WS | 3+1 | 6 |
System and Software Engineering | WS | 2+1 | 5 |
Summe | 34 | 52 |
Lectures of the elective part can be found in the brochure Regelungs- und Steuerungstechnik and finetuned in consultation with Mr. Prof. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Mathias Kluwe
The following lectures are mandatory for module 5 (enrollment before WS 2018/19):
Lectures | Semester | SWS | LP |
Energieübertragung und Netzregelung | SS | 2+1 | 5 |
Physical and Data-Based Modeling | WS | 2+1 | 4 |
Nichtlineare Regelungssysteme | SS | 2 | 3 |
Numerische Methoden | SS | 2+1 | 5 |
Optimale Regelung und Schätzung | SS | 2 | 3 |
Optimization of Dynamic Systems | WS | 2+1 | 5 |
Labor Regelungstechnik | WS/SS | 4 | 6 |
Regelung linearer Mehrgrößensysteme | WS | 3+1 | 6 |
System and Software Engineering | WS | 2+1 | 5 |
Summe | 27 | 42 |
1to attend alternatively
Module 8 - Information und Automation
The module 8 Information und Automation is a joint module of the Institute of Control Systems and the IIIT. The different point of views and approaches complement each other in similiar problems of each single institute. Many current challenges are getting more and more complex and can only be solved with interdisciplinary teams. Aspects of process supervision and self adapting to the environment are main topics of modern automation technology.
The following lectures are mandatory for module 8:
Lectures | Semester | SWS | LP |
Informationsfusion | WS | 2+1 | 4 |
Methoden der Signalverarbeitung | WS | 2+2 | 6 |
Messtechnik | WS | 2+1 | 5 |
Navigationssysteme für den Straßen- und Schienenverkehr | SS | 2 | 3 |
Numerische Methoden | SS | 2+1 | 5 |
Optimization of Dynamic Systems | WS | 2+1 | 5 |
Labor Regelungsechnik1 | WS/SS | 4 | 6 |
Praktikum Digitale Signalverarbeitung1 | WS/SS | 4 | 6 |
Regelung linearer Mehrgrößensysteme | WS | 3+1 | 6 |
System and Software Engineering | WS | 2+1 | 5 |
Verteilte ereignisdiskrete Systeme | SS | 2+1 | 4 |
Summe | 36 | 55 |
1to attend alternatively
Lectures of the elective part can be found in the brochure Information und Automation and finetuned in consultation with Mr. Prof. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Mathias Kluwe
The following lectures are mandatory for module 8 (enrollment before WS 2018/19):
Lectures | Semester | SWS | LP |
Analyse und Entwurf multisensorieller Systeme | SS | 2 | 3 |
Energieübertragung und Netzregelung | SS | 2+1 | 5 |
Informationsfusion | WS | 3 | 4 |
Methoden der Signalverarbeitung | WS | 3+1 | 6 |
Numerische Methoden | SS | 2+1 | 5 |
Optimization of Dynamic Systems | WS | 2+1 | 5 |
Labor Regelungsechnik1 | WS/SS | 4 | 6 |
Praktikum Digitale Signalverarbeitung1 | SS | 4 | 6 |
Praktikum Systemoptimierung1 | WS | 4 | 6 |
Regelung linearer Mehrgrößensysteme | WS | 3+1 | 6 |
System and Software Engineering | WS | 2+1 | 5 |
Verteilte Ereignisdiskrete Systeme | SS | 3 | 4 |
Summe | 40 | 61 |
1to attend alternatively