IT/OT-Security Seminar


Overview IT/OT-Security Seminar

Target group

Elective subject in the Master ETIT


Industrial control and automation systems (ICS) are widely used in numerous domains and industries. They play a crucial role in areas such as industrial production, the process industry, critical infrastructures such as energy and water management, building automation and medical devices.

In recent years, the frequency of vulnerabilities and attacks on these systems has increased, especially since the emergence of Stuxnet in 2014. As a result, the protection of ICS has become increasingly important.

Compared to conventional IT systems, ICS have different boundary conditions and requirements. In particular, the focus is on availability and maintaining functional safety. Therefore, classic approaches to information security cannot be applied to industrial control systems without adaptation.

This module first provides basic knowledge of security. Building on this, concepts, mechanisms and standards for the specific domain of ICS are introduced. This includes, for example:

  • Defense-in-Depth concepts
  • Risk-based approaches
  • IEC 62443
  • Structure and operation of cyber security management systems
  • Security engineering
  • Use of security information and event management systems in the industrial environment
  • Secure use of Industry 4.0 technologies such as OPC UA