Eric Wagemann, M. Sc.
- Research Assistant
- Room: 208
CS 30.33 - Phone: +49 721 608-42639
- eric wagemann ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Fritz-Haber-Weg 1
76131 Karlsruhe
Cyber-physical systems are characterized by the active and bidirectional integration of real systems with their digital twins. As a member of the Cyber Physical Robotics (CPRob) research group, we are dedicated to investigating how this integration can be useful in the automation industry. My focus is on the development of information models for electric drives.
Curriculum vitae
01.08.2024 - today
Research assistant at the Chair of Networkedsafe automation technology (VSA) at the at the Institute for Regulation and Control Systems (IRS)
with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mike Barth at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
10.2022 - 07.2024
HiWi at the Fraunhofer IFAM (Stade)
Drive controller design of industrial robots with hybrid drive concept (combination of geared servo motor and direct motor)
2020 - 2024
Master's degree (M.Sc.) in Theoretical Mechanical Engineering at the TUHH
- Specialization "Robotics and Computer Science"
- Master's thesis on "System identification, simulation and interference-suppressing controller design of an industrial robot with hybrid drive"
2020 - 2022
HiWi and tutor at the Institute of Mechanics and Marine Technology (MuM, TUHH)
- HiWi: Simulative and experimental impact analysis
- Tutor: Mechanics courses
10.2021 - 03.2022
Internship at Trumpf Werkzeugmaschinen (Ditzingen)
Collaboration in the area of "Model Based Design"
04.2020 - 09.2020
Internship at BMW (Munich)
On-board diagnostics of gasoline engines
05.2019 - 07.2019
Research internship at the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton, NB, Canada),
- "RISE worldwide" internship (DAAD funded)
- Prototype design of a parallel rope robot
2016 - 2020
Bachelor's degree (B.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Bachelor thesis on the topic "Sensitivity analysis of impacts of hybrid contact partners"
Meyer, N.; Wagemann, E. L.; Jackstadt, A.; Seifried, R.
2022. Computational Particle Mechanics, 9 (6), 1293–1308. doi:10.1007/s40571-022-00471-z