M. Sc. Ben-Micha Piscol

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Campus Süd
    Institut für Regelungs- und Steuerungssysteme
    Geb. 11.20 (Engler-Villa)
    Kaiserstr. 12
    D-76131 Karlsruhe

Curriculum Vitae

Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Stuttgart with Robert Bosch GmbH. Subsequently, master's degree in electrical engineering and information technology at KIT with focus on control engineering. Master thesis at the Institute of Control Systems (IRS) on the topic "Design of a Cooperative Trajectory Following Controller Between a Human and a Robot Based on Game Theory" (2022). Since November 2022 research and teaching assistant at IRS. Participation in the Baden-Württemberg Certificate for University Didactics in parallel to supervising the lectures Control of Linear Multivariable Systems, Student Innovation Lab and System Dynamics and Control Engineering. Member of the graduate school UpGrade Mobility.


AI-based Trajectory Following Control

The use of AI-based methods for use in highly automated vehicles for trajectory following control, taking into account safety aspects and real-time capability, will be investigated.
The developed methods will be implemented and tested on vehicle demonstrators in partnership with Schaeffler.

The focus of the research is on the safety mechanisms of general AI-based methods in the context of the following control of highly automated vehicles. The deployment and implementation of safety filters and control barrier functions are being evaluated.
