Cooperative Systems

Cooperative Control Systems


How will automation interact with humans in the future?

How to create synergies between humans and machines in the context of Industry 4.0?

The research group Cooperative Systems develops a framework for modeling and control of interactions between humans and machines. The individual strengths of human and machine are combined to achieve high performance systems, ready to meet future challenges of automatization. The fields of applications are e.g. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Robotics, Medical Technologies and Aerospace Engineering.

Cooperative Control Loop

Cooperative Control Loop

Modeling and Identification

The modeling of cooperative systems forms the basis of automation design for cooperative scenarios. In this context, uncertainties in perception and action need to be considered. Furthermore, semantics enable a strategic description of the interaction. Moreover, the identification of human behavior is essential in automation design.

Control Synthesis

Automation design in a cooperative scenario needs to be capable of a dynamic allocation of authority. Furthermore, it requires the ability to negotiate a common goal with the human. One approach to control cooperative systems is based on game theory and Model Predictive Control (MPC). In order to achieve real-time control, motion primitives are examined.



Motion Tracking is used in various scenarios to measure human motion and validate identification methods.

An Advanced Driving Simulator with haptic feedback human machine interfaces was developed at the IRS. It is used to validate cooperative control methods in the context of advanced driver assistance systems.

A newly developed Ball-on-Plate experiment will be used to apply cooperative identification and control methods in a highly dynamical scenario.


Balint Varga

Head of Research Group

Research Interest:
Cooperative control of mobile machinery


Christian Braun

Research Associate

Research Interest:
Shared control of heterogenous robot swarms

Julian Schneider

Research Associate

Research Interest:
Multi level connection for the consistent design of cooperative human-machine systems

Philipp Karg

Research Associate

Research Interest:
Modeling and Identification in Cooperative Human-Machine Scenarios

Sean Kille

Research Associate

Research Interest:

Esther Bischoff

Research Associate

Research Interest:

Felix Thömmes

Research Associate

Research Interest:

Karl Handwerker

Research Associate

Research Interest:


Student Assistants

Hongdong Zhao

Software development and experimental implementation in the field of multi-robot manufacturing system


Recent job offers for student assistants can be found here.

Bachelor and Master Students

Jens Kienle

Master Thesis

Entwicklung und Implementierung einer kooperativen Trajektorienplanung zwischen einem Menschen und einem Roboter

Paul Leibold

Master Thesis

Entwicklung einer optimalen Impedanzregelung für die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion

Héloise Wagner

Bachelor Thesis

Untersuchung der Freiheitsgrade und Trajektorien einer medizintechnischen, kooperativen Aufstehhilfe basierend auf einem Robotersystem

Leon Sobeloff

Bachelor Thesis

Entwurf und Durchführung einer Studie zu menschenzentrierten Regelungskonzepten

Nur Khaled El-Khatib

Bachelor Thesis

Schätzung der Endeffektor-Momente einer medizintechnischen Aufstehhilfe aus den Motorströmen zur Umsetzung eines Kooperationsalgorithmus

Simon Meyer

Master Thesis

Entwicklung und Implementierung einer kollaborativen Trajektorienplanung zwischen Mensch und Roboter

Luca Brenzinger

Bachelor Thesis

Aufbau eines medizintechnischen Laborversuchs zur Begleitung von Patienten mit einem bewegten Roboterarm

Niels Tiberius Straky

Master Thesis

Implementierung und Test einer kollaborativen Trajektorienplanung zwischen Mensch und Roboter

Sebastian Fritz

Bachelor Thesis

Entwurf und Implementierung einer kollaborativen Mensch-Roboter-Interaktionsumgebung 

Michael Poncelet

Bachelor Thesis

Implementierung von Positionsbeschränkungen für ein Augenoperation-System mit kooperativer Regelung

Ventsislav Dokusanski

Bachelor Thesis

Trajektorien des menschlichen Aufstehens für die Entwicklung eines kooperativen Assistenzsystems

Yang Shen

Master Thesis

Entwicklung und Implementierung einer kollaborativen Aufstehunterstützung

Viktor Ivanov

Bachelor Thesis

Entwurf und Implementierung eines Shared Control Konzepts für einen intelligenten Rollstuhl

Jonas Züfle

Master Thesis

Adaptive Shared Control for Precision Trajectory Tracking

Meng Zhang


Aufbau und Durchführung einer Studie für den Vergleich dreier haptischer Mensch-Roboter-Trajektorienplanungsverfahren

