Student Innovation Lab (SIL)

  • Typ: Lecture + Seminar + Lab
  • Lehrstuhl: IRS-RUS
  • Semester: WT 24/25 + ST 25
  • Zeit/Ort:

    Schedule for the Lecture:

    Schedule for the Seminar and the Lab will be announced in the kickoff event (07.11.23). Invitations to the kickoff event will be sent to the selected participants. 

  • Beginn: Second week of WT 24/25 with lecture Entrepreneurship
  • Dozent:

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sören Hohmann
    Prof. Dr. Orestis Terzidis
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax
    Prof. Dr. rer. nat Wilhelm Stork
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Zwick
    Prof. Dr. Werner Nahm

  • SWS: 2 + 2 + 2
  • ECTS: 3 + 3 + 9
  • LVNr.: 2545001 (Lecture Entrepreneurship), 2545082 (Seminar Entrepreneurship), 2303192 (Innovation Lab)
  • Prüfung: Written exam + examination of another type (term papers + presentations)
  • Hinweis:

    Diese Vorlesung wird in englischer Sprache angeboten.

    Application required. Apply here !

    For more information see




If you have any questions concerning the lab, please contact Manuel Hess


Module Structure The complete module Student Innovation Lab consists of the lecture Entrepreneurship (3 ECTS), the seminar Entrepreneurship Project (3 ECTS) and the Innovation Lab (9 ECTS).
Teaching Content

The lecture Entrepreneurship offers the theoretical basis regarding

  • principles for opportunity recognition and business modeling,
  • entrepreneurial marketing and leadership,
  • customer-based design methods.

In addition, practical experiences of successful founders support the theoretical content.

The seminar Entrepreneurship Project and the Innovation Lab aim at applying the theoretical concepts in practical oriented situations. In the Innovation Lab the students get the opportunity to create and realize their own innovations. In a team of five they will experience their way from the ideation process over the implementation of hardware and software to the pitch in front of investors. The students can choose from one of the following labs:

  • Automation Innovation Lab (drones for cooperative swarm solutions),
  • Industry 4.0 Lab (mobile robots for innovations in the realm of the next industrial revolution),
  • Interconnected Intelligent Systems Lab (assisted living and smart house solutions).
  • Computer Vision for Health Lab (innovative applications for medicine and healthcare)

The seminar convoys the lab and supports the teams by presenting reflection techniques, agile system development (Scrum), among other things.

Further information can be found on the above-mentioned homepage as well as in the module handbook.
Course Material The source of all relevant course material will be announced at the kickoff event.

Lecture Entrepreneurship: 32h attendance time, 58h preparation time
Seminar Entrepreneurship: 34h attendance time, 56h preparation time
Innovation Lab: 8h attendance time, 262h preparation time


The students

  • are able to prepare a decision template, to provide the necessary arguments for alternative decisions and to decide in time.
  • can detect their limits of competence in one domain and compensate this lack via competences of other team members.
  • are able to analyze their cooperative behavior in a group. In this context, they can communicate in a group-oriented way, detect conflicts in advance and name possible solutions.
  • conduct agile product development as well as processes for user- and technology-centered innovations.
  • can set up revenue, cost and project plans. In addition, they are able to develop and assess business models. This includes the presentation of their business proposal to investors.
  • are able to identify and derive functional requirements from customer needs. On this basis, they can analyze, assess and structurally solve technical problems, which includes the derivation of a proper system architecture.
  • can conduct technical and economical validation under volatile constraints.

60-minute written exam on contents of the lecture Entrepreneurship
5 examinations of another type (term papers and presentations)

The module grade consists of the written exam (40%) and the 5 additional examinations (4 weighted by 10% and the final presentation by 20%).

Student Assistants

Felix Üffing

Tutor zur Begleitung der Lehrveranstaltung